Antech Asia Offers Full Diagnostics Services



MicrobiologySpecimen Requirement
Aerobic Culture and Sensitivity / MIC*

(Turnaround time: 2-4 working days)
Tissue exudate or fluid on Amies transport medium swab (blue-cap swab), or tissue biopsy in a sterile container with several drops of sterile saline to keep moist.
Anaerobic culture and sensitivity testSwab or tissue biopsy in Anaerobic Transport Medium
(ATM) vial and keep at room temperature (20-25°C).
Samples should be submitted to the lab ASAP
Recheck aerobic culture and urine culture

Provide previous accession number
Add-on sensitivity test / MIC*
Blood culture + MIC*

(Turnaround time: 7-10 days)
1-4 ml of blood in blood culture bottles. Contact
laboratory to be sent blood culture bottles
Fungal culture

(Turnaround time: up to 21 days)
Hairs collected by toothbrush. Plucked hairs in clean
envelope, zip-lock bag, or sterile container. Tissue
(blue-cap swab) or tissue biopsy om sterile container with
several drops of sterile saline to keep moist
Gram stain

(Turnaround time: 2 working days)
Tissue exudate or fluid on Amies transport medium swab (blue-cap swab), or tissue biopsy in a sterile container with several drops of sterile saline to keep moist.
Ziehl-Neelsen stain (Acid Fast Stain)

(Turnaround time: 2 working days)
Tissue exudate or fluid on Amies transport medium swab (blue-cap swab), or tissue biopsy in a sterile container with several drops of sterile saline to keep moist.
FIRSTract Urine culture and sensitivity / MIC*
(From 5h up to 4 working days)

FIRSTract technology will apply to eligible
3-5 ml of urine in sterile container
Urinalysis + FIRSTract Urine Culture and
Sensitivity / MIC*

FIRSTract technology will apply to eligible
10 ml urine in sterile container
Faecal Culture and Sensitivity + MIC*5 g stool in sterile container

Contact Hong Kong

Contact Singapore

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  2. You must be of the age of majority in your country to submit a form.